lunes, 7 de julio de 2014

Monday morning

 Monday morning. Away from the hectic life of the city centre. Neighborhood life. Rainning outside. Sun inside. At peace with oneself. Still a bit dozzy from the weekend, but you smile inside and that reflects on the outside. Who is that twat that smiles on a monday morning? Some sort of a revolutionary act to smile on a grey and rainny monday morning. Because it is monday morning, but it could be a sunny thursday afernoon, when you can feel the boost of having a beer on a terrace with good company. Thats the attitude that goes beyond what people expect. But you don´t do it to make people see the unexpectable, you do it because you like doing it, or better said, because you feel like doing it. It comes out from the inside. The revolution starts on your inner self, after, everything changes on the outside. Have a go.

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